Where do the songs come from?
Over the years of leading choirs, Earle has produced a significant body of choral works, in a variety of genres. They include both original works and arrangements of other people’s songs.

Who are the songs suitable for?
They range in difficulty from very easy to moderately difficult; any should be singable by an amateur chorus. Some of the pieces have both an a cappella and an accompanied version.

How much do they cost?
This website makes all of these pieces available for download. You are requested to donate the equivalent of $1.00 per singer in your choir, for each piece you download. Once you make your donation you are free to download the specific piece you request.

What if our choir can’t afford this cost?
If you are unable to afford this, please send Earle a personal request to download the piece for free to earlepeach at yahoo.ca

Can you do custom arrangements?
Earle will produce any voicing you require, for a fee. He can be engaged to arrange a piece if you need it, again by email request to earlepeach at yahoo.ca